We have started a YouTube Channel (Brahm Centre Mindfulness_ Northbrooks) which features Mindfulness messages or videos specifically designed by our partner, Brahm Centre, for Northbrooks Community.

Mindfulness can be described as the secular practice of paying attention in the present moment, and doing it intentionally and with non-judgment. Mindfulness practices also refer to the deliberate acts of regulating attention through the observation of our thoughts, emotions and body states.
It is scientifically proven that practicing mindfulness reduces stress, heightens our focus, improves physical and mental well- being and increases our empathy, respect and resilience. In these trying times, these are necessary qualities we need to acquire and it is imperative to stay positive, calm and always be in the present moment. Let’s live for the moment and be grateful for what we have now.
Please visit our channel, Brahm Centre Mindfulness_ Northbrooks to watch the videos and subscribe to the channel for more updates of new videos.
Please click here to visit the channel. Thank you.