Section 3: What you need to know
Section 3: What you need to know
1. Sec One First Day and Orientation

Click here for more information
2. Personalised Digital Learning Programme (PDLP)

At MOE’s Committee of Supply Debate in March 2020, MOE launched the National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP) for our schools and Institutes of Higher Learning to help students strengthen their digital literacy. One of the components of the NDLP is the introduction of the Personalised Digital Learning Programme (PDLP) for all secondary school students, whereby every secondary school student will own a school-prescribed computing device or Personal Learning Device (PLD).
Every Brooksian will be using the Apple iPad as their personal learning device. Every iPad will come bundled with the pencil and keyboard to maximise the affordances of the iPad as a learning tool. Lessons in the curriculum and co-curriculum will be designed intentionally to allow students to have the opportunity to apply their digital literacy, as we enable them to be future-ready in a digital world.
To reduce out-of-pocket cash from students, Singapore citizen students can use their Edusave account to pay for the PLD. For students on financial assistance, further subsidies will be provided. Currently, most students will be able to pay through their Edusave without paying any cash. More information will be provided in January 2025.
3. Blended Learning (BL)

Blended Learning builds on Singapore’s education reform – “Learn for Life” movement – to build stronger abilities, skills and habits for independent and lifelong learning. This is in line with Northbrooks Mission to imbue in Brooksians a growth learning mindset, rooted in values and impacts the community, so as to better prepare the students for the future.
Blended Learning refers to the model of integrating Home-Based Learning (HBL) as a regular feature in the schooling experience. It constitutes a seamless learning experience, with days when students learn in school, and days (which could be termed as “Independent Learning Days”*) when students can learn at home.
Through blended learning, we hope to nurture self-directed and independent learners and develop passionate and intrinsically motivated learners who possess the desire and passion to learn for life.
4. Parents Support Group (PSG)
The school values its partnership with all Parents/Guardians. This is key in supporting your child. We would like to invite you to join the Parents Support Group (PSG). If you are keen, please complete the PSG Enrolment Form. Thank You.
Click here to watch the video montage of our PSG.
Please email to Mdm Sakura, PSG Chairperson at [email protected] if you have any enquiry about PSG.
5. Primary to Secondary School Transition
Click here for more information
6. Arts and Music Elective Programme
Click here for more information